Asia on the mind

As I sit here in my hot and humid office, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon soundtrack playing out loud and with the recent tragic bombing in Bali all over the news channels, it is hardly surprising that I have Asia on mind. The first other countries I ever visited were Singapore and Malaysia. I fear that, like many others in Australia, I shall not return to that area for a while, until there is certainty that westerners are not going to be targetted. Violence does not solve problems. Education and employment, reducing poverty and corruption are proven solutions, but anger and fear are so much easier. Sadly, this is true for all sides of the current conflicts.

My memories of Asia are happy ones. I have been to Singapore once, Malaysia twice and stopped at Bangkok airport on the way to and from our honeymoon in France. Due to the fact that my wife was from Malaysia and had relatives in Singapore I was able to experience both countries from the perspective of locals rather than as an insulated tourist.

I will make it a project to capture on this website my memories of those holidays.

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